The H.E.L.P. Program

Mission Statement: Creating a loving, caring, faith-based atmosphere dedicated to helping victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation to create a new life for themselves while growing their relationship with Jesus Christ and reaching their goal of living independent and free.

Services provided: During their stay with us at the HTSC, we provide all basic human needs including: clothing, food, and shelter. We also provide services such as crisis intervention, trauma therapy, group therapy, safety planning, goal planning, employment assistance, medical and dental care, assistance in identity change, job training, learning life skills, helping with citizenship, etc.

The Program:

Each client will be helped through four phases during the program.

Program Duration: One year

Phase One

Stabilize: In this phase we help our clients with identity change, safety planning, medical and dental checks, addiction recovery, and counseling.

Phase Two

Envision: In this phase we meet with the client to find out their aspirations, dreams, and goals. In this phase we explore what they would like to do as far as education and career goals. We help them decide if they would like to go back to school and get their GED or pursue other training such as technical schools or college. This is the phase in which they set goals for their future.

Phase Three

Build Skills: In this phase our clients learn job skills, participate in mock interviews, and learn how to create a resume, fill out an application, and business etiquette. They also decide how they will support themselves and learn life skills for living on their own such as cooking, washing clothes, how to pay bills, how to open a bank account, etc.

Phase Four

Reconnect: Clients will be given options for funding to help with getting housed in the community. At this point, they should be completely ready to be back in the community and able to live stable lives. We will either acquire funding to offer them help with housing or we will refer them to local facilities that offer housing program options such as Housing Authority, LCCAP, Rapid rehousing, etc. Clients will be offered ongoing case management and counseling services for life if needed.

*Clients are also encouraged but not required to attend church services and bible studies on a regular basis. We will provide transportation to a local church which provides Sunday service and bible study, and offer in-house church services for clients who are not yet safe to be in the community.

*Our services are not just for women and children stuck in the life of sexual exploitation but also for children, men and women rescued from sex/labor trafficking in our area and the surrounding areas.

Outreach Ministries

Our outreach team goes into the roughest parts of the community to meet victims where they are. We visit areas known for prostitution to speak with victims living the lifestyle who may be on the fence about leaving in fear for their life. We never coax or pressure them into coming into shelter but rather simply let them know who we are, what we offer, and how to contact us if they may need help. We invite them to our facility for a warm meal, hot shower, laundry services, and clean clothes. During our time with them, we offer them a sandwich, bottled water, and hygiene products. 

Awareness and Prevention

Our team of advocates create awareness in the community so others can learn to identify, understand, and advocate for an end to human trafficking. Our team is committed to raise up a community of informed activists who are dedicated to supporting efforts directed at identifying, intervening, and preventing human trafficking in the community.

*We will be working closely with the New Castle City Police Department with any tips we may get from our clients as well as from people in the community to investigate any trafficking rings in our area.

The Shelter

I have already acquired sufficient office space for our administrative team. I have also found shelter space that I am currently in the process of buying that would allow us to house 20 victims/families.

Financing and funders

I have reached out to local funders. The community foundation, in which I will be applying a soon as I receive my 501C3 status letter, has offered to work with me. They agreed it is a great program to bring to our community and are interested in helping fund it. I also reached out to several other foundations in the area and am waiting for responses. If you have information on any other funding sources for this type of program, please feel free to contact me. I am also accepting donations directly from our website.

I plan for this facility to grow in our community to be able to help many more victims in our area and the surrounding areas. I also plan for it to reach victims at a national level as well as growing to an international level helping victims from our community, all across the country and abroad.

Galatians 6:2

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Human trafficking statistics in Pennsylvania

In 2017, 210 human trafficking cases were reported in the state. The number jumped to 275 in 2018. Within the first six months of 2019, Pennsylvania had 126 reported cases of human trafficking.

Females were the most commonly identified human trafficking victims reported by law enforcement during 2019. Last year, there were a total of 307 potential victims identified, including 305 potential victims of sex trafficking and four potential victims of labor trafficking. (Note that a single individual could have been a victim of both sex trafficking and labor trafficking.)

Globally, human trafficking is a multimillion-dollar industry that robs children, teenagers, women and men of their freedom. There are an estimated 24.9 million victims of human trafficking worldwide.

Sex trafficking victims described being beaten and forcibly injected with narcotics and forced to watch their own children be beaten and abused as a threat of what will happen if they try to escape or leave.

Most child prostitutes are UNDER the age of 12.

Every year sex traffickers victimize about 2 million children.

A child prostitute can service up to 1500 clients per year. That is about 5 clients per day.

78% of prostituted children acquire an STD.

90% of children rescued from a brothel are infected with HIV.

8 out of 12 child prostitutes will have an abortion.

Nearly 100% of sex workers abuse drugs, alcohol or other substances.

Allison Williams
